
BLHI is Rated as Excellent Supplier of HPS Japan

On May 22, 2019, General Manager Zhu Guomin participated in the 2019 Annual Business Policy Briefing Session held by Hitachi Power Solutions Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as HPS) and received a Certificate of Recognition. Among the nearly 300 suppliers, jointly recommended by the design and procurement departments, HPS has rated 5 excellent suppliers. Due to BLHI's efforts in the roll press machine, among the five outstanding suppliers, BLHI is the only one company outside Japan. This laid the foundation for mutual trust and solid cooperation between the two companies. Following the proton devices, the rolling machine is another new product developed by BLHI for the Hitachi Group. As new energy electric vehicles become a new growth point in the automotive industry, there is also increasing demand for positive and negative plates used in power batteries, and the market prospect is quite good. Starting from the production of parts and components, then gradually transiting to the small assembly, till the manufacture of the entire line, the cooperation between BLHI and HPS is deepening. Through the exchange with HPS, the cooperation between the two parties on the roll press machine has been further expanded in the past three years, and it is estimated that there will be about 10 lines of cooperation each year.
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